Friday 31 August 2012


In Room 9 we have been completing some activities related to our class novel - Matilda, at reading time.
On of the activities is to write a diary entry in the day of the life of one of the characters.

Can you guess which character Stewart has written about?

Dear Diary,
Oh my gosh, my arms hurt so much from throwing that Amanda Tripp girl, but boy did she deserve it! I did enjoy putting that Wormwood child in the chokey. She needed that, but a tradgedy has happened.  I have lost the key to the chokey, so now I can't put anyone else in the chokey, because it is locked.

Science Experiements

In Room 9 we are busy doing different experiments getting ready for Science Fair in Week 11.
We are getting really good at using the P.O.E method. All the children in Room 9 have been coming up with some outstanding predictions and we have had lots of fun observing and explaining whether our predictions were correct.
We are keeping our experiements secret at the moment but come in to Room 9 and see our CRAZY CHEMISTRY wall to see some of the things we have been doing and have a look at our topic books to see all our experiments so far.

Writing up our method

Recording our findings
Discussing our predictions

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Recorder Lessons with Miss Collins.

Look at what we have been learning with Miss Collins! Miss Dippie was so proud of us. Next week is our final lesson.

Monday 20 August 2012

Visual Art

For art this term we are looking at the work of Kandinsky. We have been looking at complemetry colours. We know that they are colour that are across from each other on the colour wheel. We have spent the afternoon mixing the primary colours to create our own colour wheels so that we can choose our colours for our own work in the style of Kandinsky.

Room 9 News For Week 5

Here is the Room 9 News Report for Week 5 presented by Stewart and George

Friday 17 August 2012

Oobleck Recipe

Here you go Room 9

Goo Recipe

1 cup of corn flour

1/3 of a cup of water

3 drops of food colouring


Add a cup of corn flour into the ice cream container.
Add 3 drops of food colouring to the water.

Slowly add the water to the corn flour, stirring as you go.

Which one is Oobleck?

This afternoon we had Science. We were using the POE investigation model to find out which substance was Oobleck - Predict, Observe, Explain.
Miss Dippie read us Batholomew and the Oobleck and we came up with a description on oobleck from there.
We read through the recipes for Slime and Goo. We predicted what each substance would be like from what was in the ingredients. We thought the Slime would be sticky because it had PVA glue in it, and Jak predicted that the Goo would be thick because it had cornflour in it.  Then we had to observe. We made the two substances and wrote down our observations on what they looked like and felt like. We thought the slime felt like melted ice cream. The Goo was hard when you pushed on it quickly and gooey if you pushed slowly.
Finally we explained which one we thought was Oobleck by using what we had read in the story. We all decided that the Goo was actually Oobleck.
We are all excited about our next Science experiment!


Today we had tennis lessons. It was lots of fun. Here are some photos of what we did today. We have lessons twice next week and once the week after, so keep an eye out to watch the improvements.

Monday 13 August 2012

Home Learning

Great to see people reading their home learning sheet and leaving comments on the blog.

Hannah! You get 200 house points for being the first person to comment on the blog this week.
Let's see who else will leave us a comment. Don't forget anyone can see our blog so you can send the link to family and friends around the world so they can see what you do in Room 9.


The year 3 and 4 team went to Pioneer pool to do some swimming lesson's.
Last week we did some water safety we had to bring our PJ's we got put into groupe number 1's and 2's.  One group went into the big pool and went on a boat, They had to wear life jackets. They had to jump off  backwards. The other group went into the small pool and swam in their pyjamas, and made pretend rapids by pushing the water with flutter boards. They made a whirl pool, learned how to huddle and get the attention of people in a helicopter. We learnt all these things so we would know what to do if we needed help in water.
Some water rules we talked about were:
Always wear a life jacket on a boat,
Always swim with an adult,
Swim between the flags,
One of the messages we learnt was if in doubt, say out!

It was fun wearing our pyjamas

Getting into the boat

It was hard work pulling people up into the boat

Learning how to huddle

Making the rapids

By Hannah and Ollie

Thursday 9 August 2012


Next week in Room 9 we are going to use this cool website called Tagxedo! It makes words go into different shapes! Miss Dippie has made this one using all the children in Room 9's names.

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Book Week

On Friday we had book  week. Our theme was heroes.

Check out us all dressed up!